Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I wish you'd understand,
Perfection would never be in your hand.
Sometimes you'd think you want the best,
The best, would disappoint you nevertheless.

Haha the past few days have been fine. But today, I just dont feel like doing anything. I don't even feel like sleeping. and i've been feeling bloated too. Gosh I don't feel like going to school tomorrow! I don't want to go to school~ shall try to persuade my mom later to let me skip school. sigh i don't feel like studying today either. boo! tuition later. ahhh.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Walls do not make a very good walk rather it makes us entrapped in circles and bound to not roaming free in grace. We desire to be accepted because we don’t realize that He has already accepted us.

Each person longs to hear the words that they are beautiful without fault but what they fail to understand is that He has already spoken them into us. It is our created desire to seek something higher then our self; we are who we desire to be in His eyes.

We will spend less time worrying about what others think of us when we realize what He has already spoken us to be. Whoever we follow is the person who will determine our existence. Wrong words that are spoken within become without. It is not a mere desire that He wants us but with passion that He created us to be His glorious inheritance — to be apart of His family and riches. He desires to pursue us within and not without.

Surrender is to realize that there will be Someone to hold our hand as we take that first leap. Do not fear what is ahead - His love dismiss all of your fears. Each step was apart of His glorious plan, one to not harm, but to free. At a bridal wedding as the husband leads His wife in song and dance - So He leads us as He dances and sings a melody for us to move our heart in.

He Is with us, Yes, He has never left us. His gentle warm hand embraces you and, says in a whisper, “Keep going on little one — your reward will be great!”

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Honey hair rinse.

Hmm out of boredom today, I decided to do something that i've been wanting to try for quite some time now - a honey rinse for my hair! Its basically just normally washing your hair with your shampoo or whatever thing that you normally use then giving your hair one final rinse with 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with about 4 cups of water and then drying your hair normally without rinsing out the honey rinse.

After that I towel dried my hair and used a blow-drier to dry out the damper bits. My hair wasn't sticky although i was literally using honey tea on my hair hahah BUT one thing I didn't like was that after that it left my hair feeling stringy and slightly clumpy... Ewww. Although it did smell slightly like honey which i like cause i looooooove honey! :P

Anyway I just let it be for about 20 minutes to let it air dry cause it seems that my blow-drier kinda sucks. If i blow dry my hair for too long with it, my hair will start to fry and smell like burnt satay, which fyi is TOTALLY GROSS. haha anyway at the end of it once my hair was completely dry, my hair was very soft. which is quite surprising haha, i didn't expect this honey rinse to work. It left my hair feeling softer than after using a normal deep conditioner (which i hardly do cause it always leaves my hair greasy and oily looking -_-)

The best part was my hair didn't frizz like it normally does after i shower, yay! i usually have slightly frizzy hair after showering i think its the humid air that my house always seems to suffer from. and my hair didn't feel stringy anymore. I guess that this honey rinse thing for your hair does kinda work since it IS supposed to make your hair softer and shinier but i doubt i'd use it everyday lol.

Oh well, it was something fun to try out, haha maybe you could try it out one day if boredom threatens to eat you up.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here are some random pictures taken with the nokia phone camera, its 3.2 megapixels but seriously don't see any difference with a sony ericsson 2mp camera :S non of the photos have been edited or brightened up or anything.

Now this fruit is what all the angmohs are talking about. They rave about its magical curative ingredients, its health benefits, its amazing anti-aging properties. You wanna know the real deal? It tastes like crap. Worse than moldy mushed up potatoes. REALLY mushy moldy potatoes. GROSS! There isn't any taste at all. the only thing i'm using that avocado for is for my face.

Self-explanatory... ewwwwww

Once again, totally unedited photos


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Haha HI YOU ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE READING THIS! Today was back-to-school day. It was very boring :S I just noticed that we hardly do anything but copy notes in school (that is, if you actually bother to copy notes. or you could just sit in your chair and stone) I actually paid attention in maths class today, and I understood something! HAH!! This is the beginning of something new.

Volume of sphere = 4πr3 !

Pandainya saya. Anyway I've been trying to do what Cikgu Abang Jalani tells us to do -___- Which is to keep telling ourselves 7A, 7A, 7A. Which I find really retarded. I regret joining his motivation class e___e BOOO.

I got a new phone too which I think sucks cause probably about 47% of Malaysia has this phone. BLAH. Okay I'm going to go study now. Haha. As the teacher said -

104 days to PMR = 104 ÷ 7 subjects
= 14 days to study for EACH SUBJECT.

When he told us that I was like CRAP. LOL. REALLY REALLY REALLY SUPERFILLY MAGICALLY UNICORNLY MUST START STUDYING TODAY (... which is practically what I've been telling myself to do for the past 6 months without actually doing it.... BUT this time I used the word UNICORN! HAH!! PASTI WILL STUDY ONE, NO DOUBT FO SHURE)


Friday, June 18, 2010


Like Sonny&Cher, I don't care, I GOT YOU BABYYYYY

Thursday, June 17, 2010

There are times when sorrow can be the means of bringing us heart-to-heart with God. When repeated attacks have robbed us of health, friends, money, and favorable circumstances, God then becomes the only thing in life for us. We come to love Him for who He is and not merely for what He has to give.

Reasons why, we should rejoice with our hardships and praise Him for our difficulties.

1. Jesus knew that God often uses tragedy to cause people to look to heaven for solutions to their problems. The Savior said,"Every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." (John. 15:2) Thank the Lord to for His pruning of certain habits, thoughts and dependencies enabling us to be more fruitful.

2. Jesus knew that people need to die to themselves and their desires before God can properly use them. The Lord Jesus said,"Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24) Ask the Lord for a greater yielding attitude so we can enjoy greater spiritual success.

3. Jesus knew that sometimes we must step aside in order for God’s greater work to be done. The Lord Jesus said,"It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." (John. 16:7) Ask the Lord for the wisdom to know when to step aside to allow God to use whomever He wants to get His will accomplished.

4. Jesus knew that adversity often happens to the Godly as a means of greater visibility for God’s kingdom and righteousness. The Lord Jesus said, "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me." (John. 16:1-3) Ask the Lord to help you see the silver lining behind every dark cloud of adversity.

5. Jesus knew that hardship often happens so that we can see how the Lord turns our grief to joy. The great Shepherd said, "I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy." (John 16:20) Ask the Lord to give us greater faith enabling us to see how God can turn any grief into greater lasting joy.

6. Jesus knew that things often get worse in minor areas so that we can learn how to assume greater responsibilities. The Master said, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." (Luke. 16:10) Ask the Lord to help us be faithful and effective with our minor duties so God can promote us to greater responsibilities.

7. Jesus knew that adversity is often used to accomplish the greater purposes of God throughout society. The Lord Jesus said, "Neither this blind man sinned nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." (John 9:4) Ask the Lord to give us greater insight into how the Lord uses everyone and everything for His sovereign purposes.

As we look at the words of the Bible, we find there is much wisdom shared with us from 2000 years ago. It’s as if the Bible were written yesterday. That’s because He is the same now as He was then, and the same as He will be tomorrow.

Joy is the ability to stand in the middle of the storm, when our entire world is falling down around us, and remain thankful to God, in the knowledge that all things work together for good, to those who love the Lord. Do we love the Lord? Are we expressing thankfulness for the hard times? Is His light shining through us for others to see?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It’s hard to not have a low self-esteem in this society. There are so many impossible standards of beauty and personality all over television and fashion magazines and advertisements, that are molding our minds to believe that, that is what we have to live up to.

And because it’s literally everywhere, people live by those standards and reject anyone who doesn’t take part in them.

That’s why so many people pretend to be who they’re really not, because they’re so caught up in this programmed lifestyle that they feel pathetic or scared of rejection, otherwise. It is all an illusion that makes us forget who we really are.

You have to remember that, these models literally get paid to have personal trainers and to work out every day and to starve themselves and to be that thin because it’s the new trend.

And they are also paid to set trends because it’s a system of control; “It’s up to each and every one of us to turn loose of just some of the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities, because that is the central mode of control, make us feel pathetic, small, so we’ll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny.” - Alex Jones.

These trends make people feel so pathetic about themselves if they don’t take part in them. And that opens a door to people being so obsessed with self image that they spend all of their money on it; with clothes, with diet pills, with gym memberships, with special expensive diet foods, etc. etc. etc. And the money they get from it is all they care about, along with keeping us tamed.

It is fake, completely set up in a way to keep the masses entertained and distracted from changing their comfort zone.

Being healthy is the most important thing, so much more important than reducing your health to fit up to these impossible standards of society.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You.

God is so good :)

Last night, my dad went out to meet his friend at a kopitiam to talk and stuffs. When he came back, he didn't really think about his wallet or anything and he cooked supper for my sister and I and went to sleep. The next morning (which was this morning haha) my family and I were getting ready to go for breakfast when he discovered that his wallet was missing. After turning the whole house upside down looking for it and not finding it, we concluded that he probably dropped it while he was at the kopitiam with his friend so we went to that place and asked the drinks people there. They said they didn't find any wallets or anything, but we could wait until night time where the workers changed shifts and maybe they might have found my dad's wallet.

So to pass the time we decided to walk around and maybe look into the drains or something since if my dad was pick-pocketed the pick pockets would probably take all the money and throw the wallet into a drain or some bushes or something but after a while we just decided to go home since the weather was HOT. Gosh. So we went home and prayed about it. When night came my dad went back to that place and talked to the drinks workers. Apparently, a customer the previous night had found my dad's wallet on the floor and had given it to the workers who had given it to their supervisor to keep and EVERYTHING in the wallet was still there, all the cash and all the credit cards. Nothing was missing, gosh, thank God.

I guess this shows that God definitely works in miraculous ways and that there are actually decent people out there in this world! I mean, what are the chances that some stranger who finds a wallet full of credit cards and about rm400 in it is going to give it to authorities? They'd probably keep the money and throw the wallet away. So praise the Lord and God bless that man that found the wallet :)