Saturday, June 19, 2010

Haha HI YOU ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE READING THIS! Today was back-to-school day. It was very boring :S I just noticed that we hardly do anything but copy notes in school (that is, if you actually bother to copy notes. or you could just sit in your chair and stone) I actually paid attention in maths class today, and I understood something! HAH!! This is the beginning of something new.

Volume of sphere = 4πr3 !

Pandainya saya. Anyway I've been trying to do what Cikgu Abang Jalani tells us to do -___- Which is to keep telling ourselves 7A, 7A, 7A. Which I find really retarded. I regret joining his motivation class e___e BOOO.

I got a new phone too which I think sucks cause probably about 47% of Malaysia has this phone. BLAH. Okay I'm going to go study now. Haha. As the teacher said -

104 days to PMR = 104 ÷ 7 subjects
= 14 days to study for EACH SUBJECT.

When he told us that I was like CRAP. LOL. REALLY REALLY REALLY SUPERFILLY MAGICALLY UNICORNLY MUST START STUDYING TODAY (... which is practically what I've been telling myself to do for the past 6 months without actually doing it.... BUT this time I used the word UNICORN! HAH!! PASTI WILL STUDY ONE, NO DOUBT FO SHURE)


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