Sunday, May 25, 2014

The First

He is the first taste of cool water after hours of running a marathon
He is the first touch of rain after months of drought
He is the first sight of refreshing waters after an entire day of climbing up a humid, rocky mountain to reach the waterfall -
He is the first dip into cleansing rivers after falling and rolling about in mud and dirt.

He is the
first breath of our souls,
first moment our hearts find life,
(and oh, such abundant life it has found)
first cry of our spirit awakening.

He is the
last heartbeat we will ever have,
knowing we have run the race,
and done it well.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:13

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


May I be honest with You? Yes. I may. I can. I should.
Can I be honest with myself? Therein lies the question.

I am -
Looking into a dirty mirror
Searching for my reflection
but only wiping away the grime
at the places I want to shine.

I am -
Looking into a shattered mirror
Searching for wholeness
but only considering the scattered pieces
containing the reflections I desire.

Separated blocks of what was once whole
I am
reluctant to piece the puzzle back together
uneasy about the bigger picture
in denial about the way the pieces have arranged themselves.

And I am
holding on to the pieces -
Hesitant of giving them to the One
in whom all things hold together.

"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."
{Colossians 1:17}