Thursday, June 24, 2010

Walls do not make a very good walk rather it makes us entrapped in circles and bound to not roaming free in grace. We desire to be accepted because we don’t realize that He has already accepted us.

Each person longs to hear the words that they are beautiful without fault but what they fail to understand is that He has already spoken them into us. It is our created desire to seek something higher then our self; we are who we desire to be in His eyes.

We will spend less time worrying about what others think of us when we realize what He has already spoken us to be. Whoever we follow is the person who will determine our existence. Wrong words that are spoken within become without. It is not a mere desire that He wants us but with passion that He created us to be His glorious inheritance — to be apart of His family and riches. He desires to pursue us within and not without.

Surrender is to realize that there will be Someone to hold our hand as we take that first leap. Do not fear what is ahead - His love dismiss all of your fears. Each step was apart of His glorious plan, one to not harm, but to free. At a bridal wedding as the husband leads His wife in song and dance - So He leads us as He dances and sings a melody for us to move our heart in.

He Is with us, Yes, He has never left us. His gentle warm hand embraces you and, says in a whisper, “Keep going on little one — your reward will be great!”

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