Sunday, May 6, 2012

What's a nicer word for "babblings"?

Line are great. I love lines. Triangles are my favourite geometric shape. Don't even get me started on angles! ANGLES. ANGLEZZZ!!!! Love love love straight lines. I know I got some angles wrong, these don't look very 3D, but these are just doodles from while I take a break from memorising wordy passages, sorting out mathematical equations, ignoring my Physics textbook, and contemplating the meaning of life. Mostly I think about cats, in case anyone was wondering. And the occasional platypus. Why did God create the platypus? WHY? Amusement, a sudden creative outburst, mischievousness while thinking, "These humans are never gonna figure out what this is when it waddles out from that river!" or? I imagine God laughing in the Heavens while slapping a coupla angels on the back when that baffled team of European naturalists found it, thinking it was some kind of conspiracy. Platypuses are also venomous. So don't touch it. I wonder how platypus meat tastes like?

Jesus is great. TOTALLY great. I mean, He knows you, you know? Like, better than you even think you know yourself. Seriously. Has anyone really felt like wow, I really know myself!, and suddenly something comes your way and you find yourself questioning who you are and your existence and the meaning of everything and you feel like that plate of unwanted jelly nobody wants to eat anymore sitting alone on top of the dining table. (Or maybe its just the puberty speaking. When does puberty end? Kidding. It ends when you're 34, right?) Anyway, Jesus can totally sort you out. He's there and He loves you. Just a reminder, maybe someone forgot. I know I nearly did. It's a crazy thing to forget but even being a human is a crazy thing. He sent me a reminder in the form of a willing servant. Oh, and, when Jesus tells you to go do something, just do it. It might be ridiculous. But someone decided against all rational thinking to tell me something ridiculous from God, and it saved my life (Me being a dramatic teenage girl here). No, but really, yes. God knows, and He loves you, even when you feel like that blobby piece of unwanted gelatin.

Life is not a straight line leading from one blessing to the next and then finally to heaven. Life is a winding and troubled road. Switchback after switchback. And the point of biblical stories like Joseph and Job and Esther and Ruth is to help us feel in our bones (not just know in our heads) that God is for us in all these strange turns. God is not just showing up after the trouble and cleaning it up. He is plotting the course and managing the troubles with far-reaching purposes for our good and for the glory of Jesus Christ. — John Piper


Jarod Yong said...

To answer your question, go to this website & choose whichever you fancy:

It's amazing God sends us messages we need to hear at the exact moment!
I get that from Him all the time too!

Hannah Banana said...

Haha thanks!! I forgot about the existence of that website. Yeah He's ammamamamazing!:) so glad He's a living God that cares.