Sunday, September 4, 2011

As children of God and loving the Father who created us, all we can do is give all that we are up to Him. We offer up our lives as living sacrifices, and this includes reserving our body for the marriage bed. This physical purity is often mentioned in His Word, however, is purity all about the sex, lust and matters of the body? Purity also has its place in the heart, amongst our emotions and feelings. Although having a 'crush' or someone that you consider special is never mentioned as 'sinful' in the Bible, His Word clearly mentions one thing - "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." (Proverbs 4:23) Another version states, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."

Distractions can come, even in the form of childish fantasies that seem harmless (Hmm.. I wonder how it would be like if he were my boyfriend... *insert fantasy full of perfume scented unicorns and scenes from The Notebook here*) but whats dangerous (or so I've found out) is when you let your emotions cloud your judgement and wisdom. Just something I've been pondering. Just because lips haven't met doesn't mean hearts haven't joined - So what really is emotional purity? How can I keep my heart pure for Jesus and for the man He has already kept in His plans for me? How far is too far in my affections for others till the point where I am compromising the purity of my heart? What does Jesus think about the state of my purity, where do the boundaries lie?

Right now, I think that whatever (Or, you know, whoever) draws me further from where He is instead of bringing closer and closer towards Him, is just not where I am supposed to be. That if I am desiring something else other than His presence and His love, then I've got a biiiiiiiig problem. That if I prefer being in the presence of another instead of spending time with Him, then that shows that my heart is not satisfied with what I have experienced of God, and I'll be darned if I'm gonna allow myself to stop running after Him and experiencing the fullness of His love!

Our culture teaches us that if something is good, we should seek to enjoy it immediately. So we microwave our food, e-mail our letters, and express mail our packages. We do our best to escape the confines of time by accelerating our schedules, speeding up our pace, and doing whatever it takes to beat the clock. You probably know what I mean. How did you respond last time you had to wait in line for something? Did you patiently wait your turn, or did you tap your toe and try to rush the experience?

God has many wonderful experiences He wants to give to us, but He also assigns these experiences to particular seasons of our lives. We often make the mistake, however, of taking a good thing out of its appropriate season to enjoy it when we want it. Just because something is good doesn’t mean we should pursue it right now. Remember that the right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.
—Joshua Harris

I'll end this post with Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" and a statement... Paul wouldn't have said that Christ would guard your hearts if there were nuthin' to guard.

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