Sunday, August 7, 2011

He's Making You His Home

Do you remember the last time your feelings got hurt or your heart was broken? Maybe someone said something stupid that touched on that one thing you’re really sensitive about or maybe good stuff always happens to that one friend of yours; and even though you hate it, the thing you’re really feeling is jealousy. I hate having that heart-broken, insecure feeling. I know because I’ve felt it so many times. When you’re down like that, you feel like everything would be okay if only that person would just stop saying that thing to you, or if only some of the cool stuff that happens to your friends would actually happen to you. It’s really easy to feel like your problem is circumstantial - in other words, if these situations change or if those people would change, you’d be just fine. Here’s the deal: You’d still be a wreck. The problem is not those other people. The problem is inside. The problem is that you believe lies about yourself that make you insecure. What if you really believed the truth of who Jesus says you are? What if you really believed that Jesus is madly in love with you and came on a rescue mission just for you? One time Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.” Animals work hard to make their own homes. Jesus was God. He could have made an amazing house for Himself! What if the reason Jesus was homeless here was that the only home He cared about building for Himself was right down inside your precious heart? What would happen if you dared to believe that?


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