Wednesday, September 15, 2010

oookay, so i've just gotten back from the doctor. and apparently i have herpers zoster :S lol when the doctor said, "you have herpers zoster", i heard "you have herpes, rooster" and i was all SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE HERPES!!! AND WHY DID YOU CALL ME A ROOSTER! hahaha but i didn't say that, i was just kinda confused.. hmmm anyway TOTALLY NOT COOL. you can google image it and it is SO not a pretty sight. lol. i'm sadd. my face my face. hahaha yea i think i'm being vain. oh well...

"The rash usually reaches its peak after three to five days. Then, the blisters burst and turn into sores, which gradually scab over. The scabs fall off after two to three weeks."
:( :( :( :( :( my faceeee. hmmmm okay i think the superficial side of me is really erupting. hehe i think God is trying to teach me a lesson here! stop being so superficial hannah :P after all, its only 2 weeks of itching and scabbing and redness and swelling and no contact lenses.... BLAHH. hehe well actually i don't mind so much :) its just the itching and the redness that gets to me. it hurtsss

THANKS someonnee who messaged me last night when you weren't supposed to :P hahah

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