Sunday, April 21, 2013

I’ve been searching for something ethereal. Something beautiful. Something meaningful.

I want to see the stars in their eyes and map the constellations as I stare and trace stardust on their skin. To feel the echo of their thoughts, like a bell tolling; sounds filling the empty corridors of crumbling buildings and knocking on ancient rusted doors no one has stumbled upon. Or dared to open. Or thought of as treasure. To press my ears against their throat and sense the quiet passion rushing through their blood, hidden beneath skin, roaring wonders louder than thundering seas.

I want to run my fingers through and hold on to their quiet breaths and feel my soul connect in something so tangible; wrap the wisps of my being around their spine, the backbone of who they are. I want to be one with their understanding and fall in unison with the prickles of their skin, wind brushing over goosebumps, as they run like shadows across the tailcoats of the Universe.

I am searching -
Connection. Substance. Heart.

Like an ocean with its breakers calmly crashing upon the shore, I am searching for deeper depths.

I want to drown in their ocean.

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