Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"The night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You," Psalm 138:12

There is freedom in surrender. Surrendering all the burdens and doubts and fears into His all too capable hands. However, surrending means not reaching out to what you have already placed into God's hands and taking it back. It means, that when you find yourself reaching out and trying to get things back under your control and trying to change things for the better by your power - you stop. And take a deep breath. And remember that you have surrendered it into the hands that hold the world, the hands that work everything out in this giant human maze.

It means, that when you find your breath catching in your throat, and your lungs contracting, and your heart squeezing uncomfortably in your chest with moths of anxiety fluttering around your insides about what was, is, could be - you stop. And take a deep breath. And let the promise of God which gives you the peace totally unlike any kind of peace you could find in this world to settle deep into your soul and whisper, "My peace I give to you."

It means, that when you find yourself thinking, and thinking, and thinking; and trying to sort out some way for yourself, 'just in case' - you stop. And you remind yourself that all the days ordained for you was written in His book even before the first day of your life began.

Surrender is that, and so much more.

It is the giving up of your right to understand.
It is the hope in some incredible plan you will never see with your human mind.
It is the faith in knowing, and choosing to know, that all your fears, doubts, concerns, anxieties, insecurities, are entirely unfounded.

Because surrender is trust -
And in God I trust.


Jarod Yong said...

All of that goes against secular wisdom but I have lived most of my life on those principles & it gives me a lot of power.
Somehow we have even more power when we give up control to God.

Hannah Banana said...

YES! :D that's the beauty of God ahh sometimes its so mind bending to think that He cares in our lives and actually wants us to surrender to Him so He can help us :) yay!