Friday, July 20, 2012

Among the incidences of the past few weeks, I have walked, learnt, fallen, understood, thought, believed, disbelieved - but among many other emotions and state of beings and things - I have listened.

I have listened, and I have heard, and I have come to realise that none of us actually know. We don't know.

About hurts in friends' lives, and how an excellent report card hides the scars of an abusive mother, or how a hostile bite covers the hurts of a broken and unbelieving family. About how the friend you thought you knew dreads going to sleep every night, because death haunts and calls his name. About the reason why your friend scoffs at religion because the image of a God that is supposed to be Love has been marred by circumstances that oppose that statement - and even more so by the very people who claim to be believers. About the hurts, pains, depression, despair, hopelessness, weaknesses, failures people around us go through daily, and we do not know it.

People are reluctant to believe that there is a entity, a Holy Trinity, who knows & understands. We want Jesus' very words spoken to us, "Look at My hands and feet, and see that it is I. Feel Me and you will know, for a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you can see I have."

Wavering uncertainty. Dubiety.

Today, my mother's colleague was involved in a helicopter crash and they have not found the bodies of the passengers in the helicopter. I saw her once with her fiancé while I was out with my mother during the weekends. She was young, happy, beautiful, and was going to be married at the end of the year. The pilot was rescued by a fishing boat after swimming for 4 hours in the sea.

We don't know, we never really know.


Jarod Yong said...

Often it is the Christians that influence unbelievers to continue unbelieving. Sometimes we preach love but in actuality, we are being spiritual/paranoid/oppressing/psycho-manipulating.

Live a life true to your heart & have a reason for why you believe what you believe, there will come a day for you to witness & share your story. =)

Hannah Banana said...

Yeah:) you always make sense! Haha. That must be wisdom from God. That's true for everyone. Reaching out to others isn't just preaching from head knowledge but by actually being an example of His love reaching out to touch sinners :} hope you have a blessed week filled with His peace!