Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper." Proverbs 13:4

I've got a lot to study, and I don't want to fail anything (I'll just say that I'm Asian, so a fail to me means anything less than a 60... Ha-ha pretty low Asian standards if you ask me :p) I'd say I place expectations on myself, because I know that I can be excellent if I put my mind to it. (I'm not even bragging here. There are so many students out there who are so much greater than I am.. But what I'm saying is that I know I can achieve the results that I want if I manage to kick my butt into action. Easier said than done!) But I'm lazy and not hardworking. I loooove to sleep. Procrastination has been my habit for way too long. I'm only just beginning to work my way out of these bad habits of studying:

1. Putting things off when you can do it NOW.
2. Not organising time right.
3. Thinking, "Oh, I've still got time to do it."
4. Planning to do things out BUT not getting around to doing it.

In accordance with the first point, procrastination is the thief of time. I've only begun to realise it the past 2 years or so. Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today? Sooner or later, everything that you haven't done is going to accumulate and you'll be left in a far worse state than when you started. So with this realisation, it annoys me somewhat when people tell me that the assignment they're supposed to do today can be put off till tomorrow, or that they'll copy it off from someone else smarter the next day. There's no results to be gotten if no effort is put into it. What's the point of not even bothering to try, or copying? Just to scrape through without having the teacher threaten you? Or in the case of exams, what's the point of copying answers from a smarter person? Just so that you'll pass, or to prove that you can get high marks? You don't just sit there and yell out at God, "O Lord, BLESS MAH STUDIES, AMEN!" and not do anything, and then expect to get incredible results - a person with no faith in any deity would still get higher results than you.

You don't cheat anyone but yourself when you procrastinate. You cheat yourself out of time, and you cheat yourself out of the rewards that can be reaped when you set out to do what seems difficult at first. There is no easy road in life. In everything that you do, you will have obstacles and difficulties. When I say that perhaps Form 6 might be an option for me, people are horrified and tell me not to take it because it's supposedly extremely difficult. I'll ask you then, what's easy in life? A Levels? IB? Foundation? Everything requires effort. Everything requires sacrifice. If the only road that you want to take in life is the easy road, without striving to achieve, then what road can you take? I've said it before, and unrepentantly I'll say it again - Your attitude is what matters most, and what determines most.

I don't necessarily think that putting an effort into your studies is considered "kiasu". Kiasu is being upset at getting a 93 because you wanted a 100. Kiasu is studying hard for the main point of beating the person who's got higher grades than you. Kiasu-ness is selfishly competitive in an attempt to be the best. Effort is being grateful for your score because of the work you've put into getting it, it's being OK with getting a 93 because its realistic. Effort is studying to achieve personal goals, and not for the satisfaction of seeing others lower than you.

You can achieve good results in your studies if you set your mind to it and put in the required effort. I will be honest and say that I dislike it when people tell me that I got good marks for a subject "because I'm so smart" and "I'm not like them". I dislike it when people compare themselves and say that they're "stupid" or "not as smart". My opinion is that no one is stupid. No one is "not smart". If your results are less than what you are satisfied with, then go and study more. Oh, but then people would say, I don't know how to study! I'm not like you! Your brain is different than mine!

..... I'd say that everyone has a different brain, and if you never use it, you'll never know the best way it works for you.

*rant over*

Update: Apparently someone found my blog by Google searching "old ladies party". I am very amused.


Jarod Yong said...

Discipline is a good foundation for any kind of success. I'm glad that you admit your tendency for procrastination. That's the first step towards overcoming it.

Anyway, you don't need to prove yourself to anybody. They say you're 'smart' to make themselves feel better about doing worse than you. Try to encourage them but it will fall on deaf ears unless you have the power to influence.
Actually, go & learn to be an influencer.

Hannah Banana said...

Haha yea. People use it as an excuse to make it seem like its okay to slack loads or something, "cause i'm not as good/hardworking/smart/insert adjective here as __________ so its excusable ha-ha".

That's what one of the uncles in my church always used to tell us before he migrated overseas. He always told us to be a leader to influence others to better things:) He used to say no matter what situation or position we're in, whether at the lowest or at the top, we should all be leaders cause God has made us "the head and not the tail" (deut 28).

Jarod Yong said...

Smart man.

Anonymous said...

i've gained so much revelation from your article , thank you and keep it up ! :)

Hannah Noelle said...

"You don't cheat anyone but yourself when you procrastinate. You cheat yourself out of time, and you cheat yourself out of the rewards that can be reaped when you set out to do what seems difficult at first. There is no easy road in life. In everything that you do, you will have obstacles and difficulties. "


For real though, you're exactly right. I feel like such a loser because I've had the habit of procrastinating in the past. At this point I can't tell if it's a teenager thing in me or if it's going to be stuck with me for the rest of my life... (in Jesus' name it won't be.) But you speak truth! God will bless us when we make the decision to stop procrastinating and to start putting our faith forward and our hand to work. It really works! Thanks for sharing! :)

Hannah Banana said...

Yes hannah!:) I agree exactly with what you said. I've had a pastor in my church that always said God won't bless lazy christians.

Don't feel like a loser! Just ask God to change your ways and habits:) its incredible how He can motivate you to be better, and like put in you a desire to actually study. Like how His word says, in everything do it as though you were serving christ (colossians 3:23). He works everything out in the end for your good, and His glory.

Have an amazing week filled with His love and blessings!