Friday, March 2, 2012

His Eyes

Hands strong and able, heart open; expanding wide, engulfing the multitudes of stars with eyes that shine ever brighter. Breath-giving Saviour, life tugging at our heartstrings to be pulled back to You. Alive in Your springtime of awakening, winter gives way to the renewing of all things. Colours unseen by the eyes but felt by the soul, our spirits resound with the recognition of the Voice so sweet. Teardrops of rainbows, mists of shimmering glass; eyes so strong, and bright, and bold. The lion throws back it's head and lets out a roar that shakes the surrounding grass, mane catching the sunlight and eyes of liquid gold - but Yours are ever brighter. Intense and arresting. Settling to our souls, yet unsettling our hearts to their very core. Our eyes meet and Yours enter deeper than mere vision. They search in and search out, wreck and heal, all the while bearing love.

Love is looking me in the eyes and I am looking into Love.

Love is sorting out my life and I am all the more willing
to dive
into this

Love is here and
He is alive.

Love is here and
He is ready -
With eyes shining ever brighter still.


Anonymous said...

I love this. (:

Hannah Banana said...

Thank you so much, beautiful! Glory to God and His great love:)