Saturday, November 19, 2011


To My Future Spouse,

You're the reason why I'm making an effort to learn how to cook. No husband of mine is going to die from starvation. Or complain to his friends that he has to order takeout every other day because I burnt the kitchen down. Nope, you're gonna get fed well and healthy and your friends will come by sometimes and they will slap you on the back and tell you you're lucky to have married such a good cook. This might take some time, but it's alright. I've got plenty of time to kill while waiting for you. Speaking of food, I wonder if you're getting enough nutrition from that bread that Jesus was speaking about? I know you will be a regular partaker of His bread, and His Word will sustain you when all else fails. I know you will drink always of His rivers, and that alone will be your source of life. I'll know it because everywhere you go, you will be strong because His strength runs through you. Strength that can only come from dining at His table. Eat up.



Denise said...

that's a great thing to do ;) i do love cooking. my boyfriend's not very good at it but with internet recipes and a pinch of salt i think we get by! we try to cook for each other's families. :)


Hannah Banana said...

Ah yes, what would the human population do without google and internet recipes! Now that sounds really wonderful, cooking for each other's families;)
