Thursday, November 17, 2011

I may be weak but your Spirit's strong in me. My flesh may fail but my God, You never will

God is good, God is faithful. We screw up and we disappoint Him and we end up deeper in the trash than we were in the first place; but guess what - God is still good, God is still faithful. We fumble around clumsily with our efforts and tax our brains thinking and we find out that whatever we try to fix ends up screwed. Guess what - God is still good, God is still faithful. We run away and we try to hide and we realise our excuses are as empty as the wind, we are as empty as the wind. Where is our purpose and where are we heading? Down like a deer caught in the headlights, that bright light we thought so beautiful has caught us. Things are not what we want them to be - Hold up, they never are, are they? Guess what, God is still good and God is still faithful.

We aren't where we thought we would end up. Hearts a'breaking, life's a'changing. Change scares people because of the uncertainty that the future holds. But when you give your heart to Jesus, life doesn't become about you anymore. It isn't yours to hold. It isn't yours to mold. You gave it up. All edges dissolve and resistance falls away, submission becomes a way of life and not a momentary decision. We gave it up, trusting somehow, radically, impossibly, that what our life becomes, turns out for our good to bring glory to its Writer. Yes, even when it hurts. Even when it hurts.

Frustrated, sick, tired, angry
Ever hearing but never understanding
Ever seeing but never perceiving
the deeper it gets
the darker it seems

This is the God that cuts a
channel for the torrents of rain
When every cut hurts
 and each one runs deeper than the first

But without the running cuts -
breaking up of soil -
deepening cracks -
How can a channel be formed?
How is the way paved?

The torrents of rain run through
Channels deep and wide and dry
to water a desert
to satisfy a desolate wasteland

"Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain, and a path for the thunderstorm, to water a land where no one lives, an uninhabited desert, to satisfy a desolate wasteland and make it sprout with grass?" {Job 38:25}

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