Friday, October 14, 2011

Why do we always worry about things, no matter whether it's big or small? Something wrong happens and it gets out attention and we can't seem to stop worrying about it. We can't stop thinking about it. We can't see the big picture that even if we make a mistake - that mistake is not going to cancel out God's plan for our lives, instead it is used for His purpose. Mistakes we make are not as influential towards our future as we think, you know? Things might happen in the world, but it is God's purpose that prevails (Proverbs 16:33, "The dice are thrown, but the Lord determines every outcome."), everytime.

Let's say, for example, I failed a major exam due to my own faults (procrastination, laziness). Because I failed that major exam, it probably could have a bad impact on my future (Eg. Colleges/universities might not want to accept me because of that failing mark)... ... BUT. God is greater than our mistakes. The future God has for us is not dependent on our success or failures. Even when we fail, God's purposes for our lives are not damaged in any way and our future is not daunted.

He says that all our days were already ordained by Him, written in His book, before one of them even came to be! (Psalms 139:16). So we need to wake up each day with the certainty and knowledge that, yes indeed, today and everything I am going to do today has already been planned by the Father and written in His book and ordained by Him, all in conformity with His plan to bring glory to His name!

He says, Child, I do not give to you as the world gives. (John 14:27) Be strengthened in heart, He has overcome the world! God has overcome the world and everything in it, He is so much greater than the principalities that govern the world. The world constantly gives us pressure, stress, frustrations, temptations, worries, uncertainties, even more pressure - but He says that he does not give to us as the world does. He gives us heavenly food, manna from heaven that is able to satisfy our souls. He tells us to cast all our burdens and frustrations on Him, because He cares for us. He cancels out our fear with His perfect love and grants us hope with things seem dark. God is the opposite of what the world is - and we cannot serve the world and God at the same time. God is the complete and total contrast of what the World is; whatever the world seems to throw at you, God gives the opposite.

What other God would tell you to offer your right cheek if you were slapped on the left? To love and pray for your enemies instead of hate, to carry a load for someone for an extra mile, or even two, without being asked? To give not only what you were being sued for, but more? The World constantly asks us to take, take, take - but the Word tells us to give, give, give. We receive good things from God, and in turn, we give out what we have abundantly received to others.

Walking steadfastly after God might seem hard at times, but it is all always worth it. The road may be narrow at times, but it is always straight with God. He is the Word, and the Word is a light unto our feet and a lamp unto our path - He shines forth from the darkness and makes straight the path for us. He is our God, He is our Father.. I am so grateful.

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