Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One annoyingly bright and cheery morning, on the way to school, a chipper and fresh-faced girl was looking out the car's window admiring the birds of the sky....... ......OK yeah who am I kidding. I was grumpy from lack of sleep and totally looking at my reflection in the window. Wondering again how some people manage to look amazing in school (and then there's people like me). I bent my head for a second to adjust a stray piece of hair then flipped my head back to look at my reflection again (don't judge me!) but I didn't see myself. Instead, God decided to smack me in the face with a glimpse of His handiwork - beautiful shining rays of orange and yellow breaking through the blue, blue skies. Smack dab in my face. I had turned expecting to find my face but ended up with a face-full of God and His amazing gift of grace to us each and every day.

It was like a reminder from God.
About His faithfulness and gorgeous creativity.
He's there every morning making the sun come out,
painting the skies a different hue each day,
His creativity is seen in every face and being.

look beyond yourself
and to Me.

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