Thursday, September 22, 2011

He's the God of yesterdays, todays & tomorrows

In the end, all you can give God is today. Yesterday is gone, so let it go. You can make vows about tomorrow, but you can’t fulfill that vow until you get there, so what difference does that make?

It’s about today. Give God today. Who knows what tomorrow brings, but you can endure anything for one day. And at the end of the day, when you’ve stuck to whatever change you wanted to make, come up with some little thing to reward yourself. Celebrate your victory, and give thanks to God.

You might think strong Christians are people who sorely grieve over their defeats. You’d be dead wrong. Those people wallow forever without getting anywhere. Strong Christians are ones who know how to celebrate victories and move from strength to strength.

And when you stumble, the main thing is to focus on gaining wisdom.

But instead of looking deeply into these stumbles for insight, you’ve turned your head away in shame, time and again. Learn from your mistakes (by seeking Godly wisdom), celebrate your victories (giving credit to God where it’s due), and take your time.

God is not in a hurry.

1 comment:

M. Raquel said...

Muy lindo tu post. Es verdad lo que decís. Cuando se comienza a caminar con Dios -en nuestros primeros pasos como cristianos- una de las cosas más difíciles es aprender a "descansar" en Él. Pero Dios es fiel y digno de toda confianza. Y como está escrito "todo tiene su tiempo". Un abrazo, gracias por tu mensaje.