Sunday, July 17, 2011

This weekend with Pastor Ben over has been just so amazing. I get shivers now whenever I think about all that has happened and all that God has said through him - Shivers, because its a little freaky that God knows me SO WELL. Everyone knows that God knows everything, duh, but it's a totally different thing when a pastor speaks and prophesies over you and he pinpoints EVERY. SINGLE. TINY. THING. that you're going through, and you're just sort of mindblown that... Wow. Wow. God knows you. He actually KNOWS you. Like every single little detail, every single thought, He knows you even better than you know yourself. Sometimes it might seem like He's not even there, but actually He's got you on His mind. God really confirmed a lot of things for me this weekend; I'm still sort of in shock that He could love me, care for me, and be so relentless for me that much. Yeah, relentless is the word. He's relentless for us.

I pray that this week, He will keep us all safe. That He will open our hearts and minds to receive all that He wants to teach us. That we will all be willing vessels, soft clay in His hands; humble, easy to bend, and ready to forgive. And most of all, I pray that this week, we will learn to lean not on our own strength and mind, but do radical and perhaps ridiculous things by faith for Him. Don't be depressed that tomorrow is Monday and a whole week is ahead of you - but be excited for every single day, because walking with God is supposed to be an adventure. When it feels mundane and routine-like, then you've got a problem, take it to the Lord and ask Him to take you on an adventure with Him. I know I will! :) Have a blessed week.

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