Saturday, July 16, 2011

I've got this sudden random thought. Have you ever seen a girl in a relationship, and she's just so confident with herself? Not confident in the sense that she thinks she's practically the best thing created on this entire earth, but confident in her own skin and she's alright with bad-hair-days and a few pimples and sweatpants. Because she knows she's got someone to love, who looks beyond her face and clothes, who accepts her for who she is. I've seen lots of people in relationships and it strikes me that a girl in a relationship who is so comfortable with her partner, does not place a huge importance in always looking good; because she isn't looking good for other people anymore. She already looks good in her partner's eyes, and that's enough for her. It just occurs to me that we're in a relationship with Jesus Christ and yet we strive so hard to look good to other people. When we've already got the best Lover we could have, we still try to appeal to others with our looks and just basically, look good in accordance with the world. Does this make sense, or is it one of those things that only makes sense in my head? Hmm, I guess what I'm saying is, our confidence comes from truly knowing that we've got Someone that looks beyond the physical and into our hearts, and He loves us all the same. :)

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