Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Worship can only be worship when we KNOW the God we are worshipping. Knowing God is NOT the result of worship; it's the reason for it. Worship is the consummation of a relationship that is already present. This is perhaps the biggest misunderstanding that I see in the Church today. We are routinely taught to believe that we can know the heart of God through worshipping Him. Nothing is more demoralizing then watching a group of people who have little or no intimate knowledge of the heart of God, as they try their best to worship Him in an effort to know His heart. It's a parallel reflection of the dating world where people sleep together BEFORE relationship is established in an attempt to "get to know" one another.

.... He'll wait as long as it takes for you to know His heart because that's the most important thing in the universe to Him. Until you know Him personally, you simply have nothing to worship about.


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