Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I realise I really don't like it when people act like they're smarter than me. I realise that I really don't like it when they try to give me correction. And I realise that I am really prideful. The cause of mans downfall - Pride. And it doesn't even have to be in the form of being arrogant, refusing correction from others, or acting like you're smarter than others. It can be in the form of your thinking too.

Where do you think the thoughts of, "Why does she act like that? Its so humiliating to herself." or "Thank God I'm not like that." come from? In a way its judging another person. I'm not pointing fingers, unless you count me pointing fingers at myself. Almost always too often I find myself wondering why another person does the things she does - Why can't he just buck up his act?

And Jesus says, "Did I die on the cross for you to receive righteousness that you could judge them?"

And I am reminded that there is no other judge, except Jesus. I'm sorry - to Jesus, for thinking I was in any position to judge. To everyone else, for acting like I was higher on the cross than them - for uncalled judgment, for un-given love, for held-back grace and unwilling forgiveness - The truth is, I am further in the dirt than any other person.

What can wash away my sins? What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood.. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Once again, crawling back on my knees, overburdened with the weight of my sins and judgment of man.. Only to have Jesus run to me with His arms outstretched and grace overflowing. I'm so thankful.

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