Friday, February 25, 2011

"He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.." (Psalms 147:4)

He placed the stars in the sky, He knows the exact number of stars there are, He calls each one by name. He is magnificent, His understanding has no limit, He is amazing, He is the sustainer, He is my strength, He is our Love.

Sometimes we feel as if we don’t understand ourselves – what we want, how we feel, what’s wrong with us, or what we should do about it. But God’s understanding has no limit, and therefore He understands us fully. If you feel troubled and don’t understand yourself - remember that God understands you perfectly.

The God that has placed each and every star in the sky and personally knows each one by their name - If He could care for a single star that much, imagine.. how much He really cares for you, a son and daughter of His.

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