Sunday, January 16, 2011


Watch your words, watch what you think. Don't ever look at someone and say she's fat, he's ugly, why do they look like that, gross? Because have you ever stopped to think, that when you insult someone based on their looks, you are insulting their Maker? You're telling God, "Wow God, I don't really think you did a good job there. Were you a little sleepy while moulding her? Cause I'm seeing some huge imperfections there."

When you speak about someone else to another person, will you remember that God is right there listening to every single word and thought you have to say. When you call a girl fat even when she's not there, a tear drops from His eyes at the very fact that you think one of His creations isn't beautiful. When you call a guy ugly, Satan is feeding your heart with the pride that you think you're better than another.

Think before you speak, think more before you think. You don't mess around with Jesus, you don't mess around with the works of His hands. Please, please, don't insult another person. When you start seeing the goodness in everyone's hearts, their looks hardly matter, because when the heart of Jesus shines forth from their faces, they are the most beautiful creatures on the planet - Sons and Daughters of God, reflecting the beauty of their Father.


I'm not talking to anyone, I'm talking about myself. Too often I get caught up in passing judgement, when God reminds me that the only one thats fit to judge is Him.
Numbers 23:20, "I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot change it."

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