Monday, November 22, 2010

I just realised I've been on Blogger for a pretty long time! From the 6th of May 2008 till today (22nd November 2010). And thats... 930 days.

Also the equivalent of 2 years, 6 months and 16 days.
80,352,000 seconds.
1,339,200 minutes.
22,320 hours.
132 weeks! :)

And no I haven't suddenly magically turned into a maths genius with way too much time on her hands (although I do have a lot of time to spare), I used an online day calculator. Hahaha :)

Anywayy out of boredom I saw a couple of friends taking some Tibetian test thingy online, so I decided to take the test too. Heh its some kind of personality test. I thought the results were really REALLY FUNNY :) Why don't you go take it first before seeing my results? hehe

1-st question. Priorities in your life:


2-nd question:

Tough on the outside but soft on the inside implies your own personality.
Comforting and cosy implies personality of your partner.
Underestimated implies the personality of your enemies
Mysterious- It is how you interpret sex.
Free implies your own life.

3-rd question:

TANIA - Someone you will never forget.
JAOMI - Someone you consider your true friend.
ERIC - Someone that you really love.
RAYMOND - Your twin soul.

Overall I thought this test was really really accurate!! EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT THEY SAID RAYMOND IS MY TWIN SOUL PLEASE OH GOD NO, HAVE MERCY :S (Raymond if you happen to read this, its not that I don't like you or anything... I just think you're like the least unlikely for me to have a twin soul with HAHA)

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