Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the truth is, things are hard because they are good, because God works all things for the good of those who love Him, because He is good and we serve Him. we are all learning - this is growth for all of us.

it comes down to surrender, to leaving all of it, both sides of it, at the feet of Jesus, who has already won, who has already conquered, who has already defeated sin and death. it comes to trusting Him.

it comes to knowing we cannot be taken over by the things that would take us over, but that we must always fix our eyes upon Him who has brought us here that we would learn to do so. it comes to trusting Him.

we know who He is in all of this, we know that He is enough, He is love, He is good. it comes through desperation and inability and learning that He was speaking to us when He said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing”. it comes to knowing who He is.

it comes to trust. He is love. He is enough.

He is always enough.

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