Thursday, July 15, 2010

it was my birthday yesterday! :)) officially 15. i woke up without remembering it was my birthday until my mom woke up and wished me happy birthday. she was like happy birthday, daughter! and i was all huh, who's birthday? oh OH ITS MY BIRTHDAY! haha, how sad..

raymond, wendy, raina, othniel, joshua, cynthia, chandrika, denedy, tiong, thanks for all the gifts :)) and the heaps of birthday wishes from everyone! i skipped extra class on that day as a birthday gift to myself. hahaha. then i went home and basically wasted the entire afternoon, and slept for 2 hours. at night, i went out for dinner with my family and got my cake. cheesecake! :D dawww. i was supposed to bring some cheesecake to school to share but i forgot to pack it in my bag..

tuition tonight. hmmmm. no one to message. i guess tonight i'll actually have to pay attention.

update: my facebook page is littered with so many people cursing and swearing that they got chosen for NS. whats so bad about NS? and is there really a need to swear and curse like that? its horrible. what happened to giving thanks in all things, whether its good or bad? isn't spending like 3 months in NS getting to know new people and making memories better than rotting away at home and complaining complaining complaining of boredom?

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