Wednesday, May 14, 2014


May I be honest with You? Yes. I may. I can. I should.
Can I be honest with myself? Therein lies the question.

I am -
Looking into a dirty mirror
Searching for my reflection
but only wiping away the grime
at the places I want to shine.

I am -
Looking into a shattered mirror
Searching for wholeness
but only considering the scattered pieces
containing the reflections I desire.

Separated blocks of what was once whole
I am
reluctant to piece the puzzle back together
uneasy about the bigger picture
in denial about the way the pieces have arranged themselves.

And I am
holding on to the pieces -
Hesitant of giving them to the One
in whom all things hold together.

"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."
{Colossians 1:17}

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