Thursday, February 28, 2013

“February, when the days of winter seem endless and no amount of wistful recollecting can bring back any air of summer.”

Chinese New Year 2013

A cute snake from IKEA in one of the houses visited


My adorable nephew, Declan

Barley / Apple-pear-carrot fruit juice as a break from the ridiculous amounts of carbonated drinks consumed during New Year visiting

And a cat with the stereotypical fishbone! 

A drink with friends

And a day spent with the family around town

Grandmas hands

February started of jolly enough, but up came several big bumps along the road

I seemed to keep falling and the weather cried along

The end of New Year

'An elephant never forgets'

More food

And a lesson in Hope.

Thank you, February
for being stormy enough to open my eyes 
to God's mercy in the midst of it all
and a Hope that lasts when my strength cannot.

Here's to March.

Friday, February 8, 2013

First week of February in pictures

Sunday morning breakfasts with the family

Wasabi seaweed with a real kick

On the way to school...

.... And back from school

Played around with chemicals and powders in Biology, made some fun fizzy bubbles :)

Lion dance during the Chinese New Year assembly

& friends.

Spicy noodles...

.... And more noodles

Tania's belated '12 Christmas gift to me

Here's to February.