Thursday, April 5, 2012

Saw a little sunlight today. Blinked a little, breathed a little. Sighed a little. Tried to gather jars of sunlight, they faded when the Sun decided to chase Br'er Rabbit all the way down the deep burrow towards the west. Well, you gain a little, lose a little.

Enjoy it while the golden jars are warm. While little Sun-fairies dance around your sight.

Touched a little flower today. Dainty, lilac purple. Velvety.
Crushed a little flower today. Crumpled, lilac purple. Wondered. Little Flower endured rain and wind and sunshine but died real quick, real sad. Maybe fragile things are the toughest. Maybe fragile things are the saddest.

Felt a little wind today. Couldn't see it. Maybe the leaves can though, they waved back a greeting. They always do. Some leaves went away with the wind, maybe they had things to talk about. Places to see. Running after the wind isn't easy. See, they cheat a little by taking your breath. The wind is your breath and the wind is all of it and they sorta take it all.

Took my wind back. Breathed it in a little today. Or maybe a lot. Do breaths come back to you when they leave? Can you breath in the same wind twice?

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