Saturday, February 5, 2011

Protesters stopped an army officer from shooting himself as he sobbed, [Cairo, Egypt]

My heart broke when I saw this, I cried. My human emotions can only imagine slightly what Jesus must feel like, looking down on this nation, His nation, at all the hurting people who don't know Him, who reject Him, who are desperate for Him. Imagine the people crying out to their gods, where are they to save them now? Jesus, only He saves. Jesus, He loves them. Jesus,.. we need a miracle. He is the miracle.

I see the ring on his finger. He's married, maybe he has kids? Perhaps they're at home, watching the news fearfully; wondering if her husband, their father, is going to come back safe. I see the hopelessness in his eyes, maybe he thought that this life simply wasn't worth it. He's never going to win the fight against these violent protesters, what is this job worth? He might as well put the gun to his head and end it - But wait. There is a man. A man who dreams of freedom, a man who values life over an easy way out. And the army officer stops from pulling the trigger, as he breaks down crying. Maybe one day, there will be freedom. It is not his time - yet.

Egypt is a large, mostly Arab, mostly Muslim country. At around 80 million people, it has the largest population in the Middle East and the third-largest in Africa.

Read this and tell me it doesn't touch your heart. Tell me it doesn't make indignance and hurt well up in your heart.

"Do you see what Mubarak has been reduced to?" said a young man, coughing into the scarf his face was wrapped in. "Today's the beginning of a new Egypt, a free Egypt."

Freedom? Is this freedom? Hurting and desperate people, confused in the midst of all the violence and terror, freedom is what they call it? Fear, death, anger, confusion. Freedom? This is not freedom. Jesus is freedom.

Egypt. My heart breaks.

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