Saturday, February 19, 2011

Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a Saviour.

Othniel said something today - "Often times, we feel like we still haven't been forgiven- When the fact is, we've already been forgiven a long time ago."

Sometimes we still feel the need to say sorry over and over again to God, over something bad we did. We feel like our sorry is simply not enough and we have to keep reminding God that we're sorry and pray that we hope He forgives us..

When the fact is, He forgave us a long time ago. He forgave us the moment we repented and said sorry. He forgave us like He forgave the thief on the day He was crucified. God doesn't do forgiveness deals - 'Alright, if I forgive you, you have to go and talk to so-and-so about Christ. You have to memorise three chapters of the bible. Then I'll forgive you.' - No! He forgives us the moment we are sorry. Because He's our Father and He loves us.

He doesn't punish us for the sins we do - He teaches us. Lets accept His forgiveness :)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. //1 John 1:9

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