Friday, January 21, 2011

My sister is watching a movie, and I'm here behind her on the computer ignoring the movie. I just don't watch movies. There's no reasonable explanation why I don't like movies - I just don't. Some people don't like to sit down and read 2 chapters of a book... I don't like sitting down wasting 2 hours of my life on a movie. I haven't met anyone else that doesn't like watching movies. Maybe I don't like them BECAUSE I CRY SOOO EASILY WHEN WATCHING MOVIES. Like maybe someone loses their dog AND I CAN START CRYING. Well I don't mind crying I just dont. like. watching. movies.

Random thought of the day, wondering why I don't watch movies. Can't remember the last movie I watched (I think it was fireproof at uncle mervyn's house) and watched like 2 movies in 2010.. SIGHH WHAT DO I DO IN MY FREE TIME, REALLY? DO I NOT HAVE A LIFE?

Anyway I have resigned myself to the fact that my hair grows way way way slowly. The moment it hits my waist will probably be the day that I turn 25. i THINK i've seen a marked improvement in growth since I started eating like 2 eggs a day but still... darned genetics.

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