Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm not afraid of dreaming hugely ambitious dreams, I'm afraid of the disappointment when they don't come true. So I don't dream -Till that day after church.. After that sermon on dreams.

Should I pursue them, should I keep dreaming? Or are my efforts too futile, for me to keep believing? Jesus says Have Faith, for I know your future; Trust in My ways, your heart I will capture. But this doubt in my heart, nags at me and says, What if you do your part, and yet non of it pays? What if these dreams, remain as just thoughts, a few once-upon-a-times, its reality never caught? I know I'm just silly, to not trust in my Father, He has the plans and the purpose, my feet will never falter. And yet I don't know, what if I'm dreaming wrong? Spent myself on ambitions, wasted my life for too long? Yet through all this confusion, one thing stays the same - Jesus's love for me, will always remain.

He is my Maker, I am the sheep, His promises for me, He promises to keep. Its okay to dream, says the voice in my heart, this bond that we have, will never keep us apart..

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