Thursday, January 27, 2011


I think that one of the biggest threats facing young, God-fearing women is relationships. We, as women, thrive off of interaction with the people around us, whether it is our family, friends, or even boyfriends. But I have seen countless friends who genuinely loved Jesus lose their identity in a boyfriend so completely that they starve themselves of their relationship with Jesus.

There is so much pressure for girls to find their husband, or to simply get affection from the boys around them, but I think a lot of girls forget that Jesus is JEALOUS for them—that He really does want them all to Himself. If the girls in our generation can make up their mind that Jesus really is enough for them, they will find a love that is so much more passionate, overwhelming and fulfilling than anything they could ever imagine.

And eventually, if Jesus becomes their standard, He will bring them a husband that looks a lot like Him. :)

I posted that last year on the 15th August 2010. I wish I could tell her this. But she doesn't believe me - Even though she knows better than this. This hurts me. Why can't she see she's better than what this world has to offer?
